
Webinar 1, 16 May 2022

Webinar Program

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Maria Alejandra Madi 1:16 PM
To Cinthia: Can you expand the effects of the pandemics in term of the labour market? What ar the most important social policies oriented to women in Mexico?

Emel Memis 1:18 PM
Thanks Cintia for your presentation. It was very interesting to see the size of the gender gap in time use in Mexico. The differences you showed us were weekly hours, right? Like the 6 hrs difference between women and men for instance.

Maria Alejandra Madi 1:26 PM
To Hannah. Interesting link between the theoretical concept of care and the digitalisation process. What can be the implications in terms of social policy actions?

Cinthia Márquez 1:30 PM
Dear Emel, the 6 hours difference that was pointed out, are according to the latest time use survey 2019 in Mexico, and are average hours per week, I attach the summary of the survey results in case you would like to review more about that information: https://www.inegi.org.mx/contenidos/programas/enut/2019/doc/enut_2019_presentacion_resultados.pdf

Maria Alejandra Madi 1:41 PM
To Burça and Emel. Interesting data. Can you expand the results in terms of the paid hours in urban and rural areas? Which kind of activies are the most relevant?

Maria Alejandra Madi 1:42 PM
to Burça and Emel. Which have been the historical trends in terms of female participation in the labor market?

Maria Alejandra Madi 1:48 PM
To Meltem. Which factors can explain the deep change in terms of female education since the 2000s?

prachi bansal 1:50 PM
The two papers complement each other very well!

Maria Alejandra Madi 1:53 PM
To Meltem; Which variables will you choose to enlarge the empirical research?

Nishat Anjum 1:55 PM
To Emel and Burca, do you think introducing some interaction terms like interaction term for paid work and years of education would help to see if for rural areas more educated women are spending time in paid work?

Meltem Ince Yenilmez 2:05 PM
I am so sorry. I have to leave now. My 5 year old son’s fever has increased again to 40 C and he needs to take a shower. Is it possible to email the answers to your questions Maria? Please accept my apologies. Thank you to everyone.

Maria Alejandra Madi 2:05 PM
To Agostina; Innovative macro approach. Which are the gender narratives of orthodox economics? Which ar ethe heterodox and feminist economics´ references that you are considering in your research? Have the feminist economics´ perspective overcome the “homogeneity” approach to households?

prachi bansal 2:07 PM
To Agostina: Prof. Indrani Gupta from India has done substantial work on gender budgeting in India, particularly, comparing gender sensitive budgeting between different countries. This work may be of use to you.

Maria Alejandra Madi 2:14 PM
To Agostina. Can you expand the topic of violence related to your research?

Cinthia Márquez 2:15 PM
To Agostina: there are some statements in your paper that would be worth knowing more about through additional references, for example, overrepresentation of women and LGBTI+ people in the poor population, since poverty measurements generally refer to the household level or when points out that with the retraction of the State from the provision of goods and services, women’s indebtedness increased, it could be useful to give a concrete example.

Maria Alejandra Madi 2:30 PM
To Nishat and Nancy. You highlighted a very important topic, also in Latin America. Which can be the policy implications of your research?

Maria Alejandra Madi 2:43 PM
To Ritwika. Interesting approach to the myth of empowerment. in your opinion, Have been any gender gains related to womem?

Maria Alejandra Madi 2:51 PM
To Prachi. Interesting approach to the defeminization of agriculture in India. One of the outcomes might be certainly linked to migration to urban areas. How has this process impacted the process of urbanization in India? Which new challenges have been face by migrant womem ?

Alicia Puyana Mutis 2:52 PM
It was a pleasure to see you and listening to your presentations. Looking forward for the next steps of our project. I have to go, unfortunatelly.

Cinthia Márquez 2:53 PM
To Prachi. How much does the population of working age in Haryana represent with respect to the total of the country, and specifically for women? with the objective of also identifying any demographic difference with respect to other areas or regions of India and understanding if defeminization in agriculture is associated with any demographic characteristic, for example, the age structure.

Nishat Anjum 2:57 PM
To prachi: do we witness increasing engagement of women in casual wage work in this context since casual wage work is also seasonal and marginal but in the paid work? (since women in lower income households are likely to be helping hands in household income)

nancy yadav 3:10 PM
To Prachi: Defeminisation of agriculture sector is a progressive change if women move to better paid jobs in non-agriculture sector. Did you notice movement of women from agriculture to non-agriculture sector in your survey, although NSS does not show such a change?

Hannah Acutt 3:18 PM
I’m so sorry everyone, I have load shedding (scheduled power cuts) and it’s making my network connection incredibly unstable. But thank you all for such interesting presentations!

Emel Memis 3:45 PM
To Maria:I’d like to share the report we mentioned about the education policy in Turkey. This report presents why Turkey fails to achieve gender equality performance achieved by her peers in detail. This is the original resource of the HDI graphs and scenario simulation graphs in Meltem’s presentation but it was very unfortunate to see that original work was not cited in her slides. Here is the link for the full report and the infographics’ original source: Raising the Bar: Turkey’s Gender Equality Performance from 2000 to 2019 | United Nations Development Programme

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